Posted on July 13 2022

Keeping your plants thriving during the winter months can be more challenging, depending on your local climate. In the cooler zones some plants can have a tough time surviving the winter; but with a little extra warmth, care and the right knowledge, your plants will be flourishing in no time. Explore our tips, tricks & tools to help you revive and keep your houseplants looking their very best this winter.

1. Give Them a Bath
Indoor plants at this time of the year may tend to become dustier since the house is generally more closed for warmth retention. Dusty leaves may bring about disease and inhibit a plants ability to photosynthesise (absorb light). This is not good news as plants need as much light as they can get during these cold months. It is a good idea to make sure you are lightly wiping the leaves with a paper towel every month or when visibly necessary. You can also use our Haw’s Copper misters to regularly hydrate the foliage and encourage best transpiration for the plants stomata. If you are a plant lover and have a small forest growing in your house, wiping each individual leaf might be a time-consuming task. An easy, effective way to make sure your plants are all clean is to put all your plants in the bath and give them all a shower with light pressure. Once done, apply your Plant Runner Neem Oil ‘Leaf Shine’ to the fresh foliage to deter pests and increase vitality and vigour.

2. Less Water and Fertiliser
In the wintertime you will need to adjust your watering routine to make sure your indoor plants are getting the care they need during the colder months. In winter plants tend to grow at a slower rate and some may even lay dormant due to the cold weather. All plants have different water and fertiliser needs to stay hydrated and it is important to keep this in mind when watering. A Water meter is a useful tool for assessing deeper pots and sensitive plants, giving you a gauge of the deepest soil moisture levels where it can’t usually be seen. Even though the winter air is drier, and the surface soil may dry out faster during these months, this is not an indication that your plants need more water. It can be deceiving, and you may think you are neglecting your plants, however if you overwater them this may leave them vulnerable to a disease called root rot.
If you observe tiny flies hovering above your potting media, you may find you have a fungus gnat infestation. These pesky little insects thrive in wet and damp potting mix. The first thing to do is dry your plants out as much as you can, without putting them in extreme moisture stress. Then soak the potting mix with an Eco-Neem solution. You can also attach a Plant Fly Ninja sticky trap to your plant to catch any mature flies as they emerge.
Some foliage plants might still need regular watering, but on the other hand cacti & succulents might thrive better by not being watered at all during the winter.

3. Keep Them Warm
Most Plants are very sensitive to temperate changes and letting in the cold air through the windows and doors near your houseplants can make them very cold, causing their leaves to drop off. To avoid this, make sure you don’t open any windows in close proximity to your fave species or put your plants in a spot that is prone to a draft or breeze. You can always invest in a humidifier for your more tropical species or try top dressing your plants with some coconut fibre to insulate the soil surface. With its high resistance to mould and moisture this can act as the perfect regulator and aesthetic finish for achieving your plant styling goals.

4. Let there be light
We all know how important sun is to our health. In winter, the light that usually shines into your home is there for shorter periods of time during the day.
You may need to move your plants during winter to ensure they are getting the most light that they possibly can. It is important to also make sure your windows are clean to help all the light to come through, without any obstruction. Optimum positioning is gentle morning light that moves across before 10am. This will allow optimum light exposure without the risk of burning to delicate foliage.
5. Prepare to repot in Spring
Unless absolutely necessary due to the soil being degraded or the root system taking over the pot, avoid repotting your indoor plants during winter.
The start of Spring is the best time to repot your plants as when it starts to warm up they will start to actively grow again. Start preparing your plants for maximum Spring growth now; with our complete plant care kits by We The Wild. With everything you need included for optimum plant health, these kits will set you up for lush plant growth all year round. Includes slow release Support Pellets, a soluble liquid Grow Concentrate & their all natural leaf care Protect Spray. Certified organic and eco-conscious this is plant care at its best.
Plant care includes many varied and diverse techniques, there are always new and different methods to try. These general tips are one pathway to follow but may vary depending on your local climate and unique plant species. Being a plant nerd is half the fun, try a few new tricks or read up on fresh research to see what other plant lovers are up to. Come and visit our urban jungle at 5/2 West St, Burleigh Heads; grab a coffee next door and chat to our friendly team of plant experts to learn more about what your individual plants needs.
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