Please note, our plants are currently available for local delivery and pick up only. See Pick Ups, Deliveries and Shipping Options for more information.
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Scindapsus Pictus ‘Exotica’
Pothos Manjula
From $39.95 - $49.95
Hedera canariesis
Ficus pumila - Green
Adiantum ‘Maidenhair Fern’
Hoya australis
Hoya burtoniae
Hoya carnosa ‘Purple Pride’
Hoya - Krimson Queen - 180mm
Hoya Kerrii - Heart Hoya
From $59.95 - $79.95
Hoya carnosa compacta ‘Indian Rope’
From $19.95 - $39.95
Pilea Peperomioides 'Chinese Money Plant'
From $9.95 - $39.95